Copywriting is everywhere, whether you realise it or not. It is writing for the purpose of marketing, and is often the entryway to your website.
Most of us use a search engine like Google every day – you may have used one to find this page right here. There were almost 2.3 trillion searches made on Google alone in 2019. If you want to be on the front page, then you need to fit Google’s search criteria, which calls for good copy.
To get you started, we’ve taken the ten best website copywriting tips and compiled them here for you to use to boost your ranking on Google.

1. Headlines - use them!
Headlines are key to grabbing your readers’ attention. Only one in five readers read the actual copy on a webpage and the remaining skim read. The right headline can make or break your readers staying or leaving your website.
2. Develop Your Unique Brand Voice
Your brand voice is how you address your audience. Are you going to chat to them on their level, or are you going to inform them like a lecturer? Many brands find it helpful to create a guide that you can always refer back to. If you are unsure if your tone of voice fits your brand, consult your brand guidelines.
3. Keep sentences short
It can be easy to trail off into long-winded sentences, but in copywriting, less is more. Short sentences are more attention-grabbing and when you have your reader’s attention, they are more likely to stick around on your website.
4. Bullet points and paragraphs
Similar to headlines, well-placed bullet points and paragraphs will help with formatting – making the page easier on the eye for readers. Present them with a wall of text and they will likely lose interest. Create content with 3-4 sentences per paragraph, and turn lists into bullet points.
5. Choose Your Words Wisely
Keep your words and phrases simple to ensure you deliver the message intended. It’s tempting to use jargon to show your expertise but this will leave your readers lost. It’s also important to use the active voice rather than the passive voice too, as it will empower your readers to act: “she read the website” sounds a lot better than “the website was read by her”.
6. Add in Some Keywords
The right keyword use will propel your website up Google’s rankings. Don’t just fill your webpage with keywords (this is keyword stuffing and will do you more harm than good). Your writing should sound natural – write for people and Google will reward you. Google has even provided tips on how to reach the top of their searches if you aren’t sure where to start.
7. Include a Call to Action
A call to action is a marketing term that prompts visitors on your website to take a specific action, like buying a product. They keep your visitors engaged, show your audiences your intent of campaigns, and guide your readers to through the buying process. Forgo a call to action and your audience will likely leave the site without any further interactions with you.
8. Links Links Links!
Another part of making atop Google’s search results is linking. Use high-quality resources to link to – it will add to your credibility, and it will boost your Google ratings. Deep-linking (placing links within your pages) shows Google you are an authority on your subject and that you have all the resources – all the more reason to put you at the top of the search results.
9. Target Audience
Every piece of writing has a target demographic it is aimed towards. For example, if you’re writing to young people, don’t use archaic language. If you’re targeting small businesses, the way you communicate will be written in a professional manner on topics that will resonate with them.
10. Images are Just as Important
Images are an opportunity and a vital part to your website’s copywriting for visibility. Younger generations want visual search results, and the right image in the right place can be the difference for someone visiting, staying your website.
Craft ‘n Connect focus on creating an authentic and inspiring digital presence through our carefully crafted content to connect you with your audience. If you want to take your website to the next level, get in touch and together we can create that effective website copy – leaving you with more time to focus on the bigger picture and working ‘on’ your business.