Finding a good copywriter that is right for your brand is no easy task
You’re on the hunt for a copywriter, a good copywriter in fact. But how do you know if they are the right copywriter for you? Are they the right fit? It’s an invested relationship with the potential to make areal difference to your business and digital presence. Can they tell your story that will engage and resonate with your audience?
When it comes down to it, do they get your business, do they get you?
With so many copywriters out there, it can be daunting and overwhelming on what traits to look for. Copywriters come in many forms, each with their own sense of style, personality, experience and areas of expertise. Here are 5 ways to help you find the right copywriter for you:
1. Curious, they ask alot of questions
To kick off with, your copy will be gathering information from you in order to create content. So expect a lot of questions as they try to understand your business and industry. They will be digging to understand what drives the business, what is the mission and what are its core values. The greater the copywriter understands your business, the better they can tell your story and craft content that will connect. And what better way to do this than one with a genuine sense of curiosity about your business so they can really dive in and ask those thought-provoking questions.

2. Listen
Do they listen? In the discovery process in deepening their understanding of the business, have they given you space for that information to exchange? Just as important as asking questions is the ability for them to listen and allowing for that information to flow freely in a comfortable natural manner. Is this someone you can quite comfortably chat over coffee with? If that’s a yes, great! That means an open dialogue is likely to take place giving the copy an opportunity to listen to the nuances of the context and listen for tone, emotion, body language, and word choices. In listening, they can identify what makes your business unique and sets you apart from your competition.
3. Expertise
What do you want the copywriter to write? Create regular blog posts, email content, help build a more powerful brand, creating social media content. As with many industries, there are specialities within them. There are certainly writers who can generalise and do a bit of everything but more often thannot, there are areas where their expertise would naturally shine. Are you looking for someone who can craft clever witty content?
4. Collaboration
So you’ve found a few potential great copywriters but what are they going to be like to work with? They are going to be part of your team and if both parties can take that next step of taking constructive feedback and executing it to reflect the heart of the business, the better. This takes that extra step in striving towards excellence, a better-told story and a better partnership between you and your copywriter.
5. Vibe
Sometimes it’s just the vibe. You can’t quite put your finger on it but sometimes you just have that feeling whether this collaboration is going to work or not. Much like that time when you walk into that restaurant and you know something is just not right, whether it’s the airy feel you get with the lack of customers or the hopeful looking staff ready to serve. And the moment you ignore that instinct and get seated to order, you instantly regret accepting the handed menu. Being too polite to leave, it’s a downhill ride. You will be sharing detailed knowledge and ideas of the business with the copywriter and for that exchange of information to flow freely, it helps if there is good chemistry and likability.
Craft ‘n Connect specialises in creative copywriting for digital channels. We thrive on helping businesses create an authentic and inspiring digital presence that will form a connection with their audiences. If you need help getting your words out, sharing your unique edge and what you stand for – let’s connect and see how we can help weave your next story for success.